
Carver was born into a poverty-stricken family at the tail-end of the Depression. He married at 19, started a series of menial jobs and his own career of 'full-time drinking as a serious pursuit', a career that would eventually kill him. Constantly struggling to support his wife and family, Carver enrolled in a writing programme under author John Gardner in 1958. He saw this opportunity as a turning point.



Vitamins by Raymond Carver..Vitamins is a short story by American author Raymond Carver. It was originally published in the Spring 1981 edition of Granta magazine and subsequently in 1984, in the short story collection Cathedral.

    They're Not Your Husband

    They're Not Your Husband by Raymond Carver..They’re Not Your Husband is a short story by Raymond Carver. It was first published in the spring edition of the Chicago Review in 1973, later it was included in Carver's first major story collection Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? in 1976.

      Short Cuts

      Short Cuts: Selected Stories by Raymond Carver..The nine stories and one poem collected in this volume formed the basis for the astonishingly original film “Short Cuts” directed by Robert Altman. Collected altogether in this volume, these stories form a searing and indelible portrait of American innocence and loss. From the collections Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?Where I’m Calling FromWhat We Talk About When We Talk About Love, and A New Path to the Waterfall; including an introduction by Robert Altman.

      Elephant and Other Stories

      Elephant and Other Stories by Raymond Carver..These seven stories were the last that Carver wrote. Among them is Errand in which he imagines the death of Chekhov, a writer Carver hugely admired and to whose work his own was often compared. Stories included:

      - Boxes
      - Whoever Was Using this Bed
      - Intimacy
      - Menudo
      - Elephant
      - Blackbird Pie
      - Errand


        Cathedral (Short Story Collection) by Raymond Carver..Raymond Carver’s third collection of stories, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, including the canonical titular story about blindness and learning to enter the very different world of another. It was morning in America when Raymond Carver's Cathedral came out in 1983, but the characters in this dry collection of short stories from the forgotten corners of land of opportunity didn't receive much sunlight.

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