رواية ساعة مغرب

رواية ساعة مغرب

تأليف : محمد البساطي

النوعية : روايات

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رواية ساعة مغرب بقلم محمد البساطي The Portable Stephen Crane allows us to appreciate the full scope and power of this writer's vision. It contains three complete novels - Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, George's Mother, and Crane's masterpiece, The Red Badge of

Courage; nineteen short stories and sketches, including " The Blue Hotel" and "The Open Boat", a barely fictionalized account of his own escape from shipwreck while covering the Cuban revolt against Spain; the previously unpublished essay "Above All Things"; letters and poems, plus a critical essay and notes by the noted Crane scholar Joseph Katz.

رواية ساعة مغرب بقلم محمد البساطي The Portable Stephen Crane allows us to appreciate the full scope and power of this writer's vision. It contains three complete novels - Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, George's Mother, and Crane's masterpiece, The Red Badge of

Courage; nineteen short stories and sketches, including " The Blue Hotel" and "The Open Boat", a barely fictionalized account of his own escape from shipwreck while covering the Cuban revolt against Spain; the previously unpublished essay "Above All Things"; letters and poems, plus a critical essay and notes by the noted Crane scholar Joseph Katz.