100 Quotes by Immanuel Kant: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts

تأليف : Immanuel Kant

النوعية : الفلسفة والمنطق

100 Quotes by Immanuel Kant: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts by Immanuel Kant ....Immanuel Kant is one of the most important figures of German philosophy. He is said to have affected a Copernican revolution in philosophy, akin to

 Copernicus' reversal of the age-old belief that the sun revolved around the earth, through his ground-breaking work on the structure of experience. He argued that human experience couldn't be not affected by the features of our minds; the consequence is that we can only experience a phenomenal world, as conveyed by our senses, and never the reality itself, which nobody has ever seen. He published important treatises on ethics, religion, law, aesthetics, and history.From his huge body of work, we have selected 100 of the most interesting quotes, taken from the Critique of Practical Reason, the Metaphysics of Morals, the Critique of Judgment, and many others. Discover the world of one of the most influential philosophers, and question with him the illusions of experience, morals, and art.

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