Applied Numerical Methods using MATLAB (WSE)

Applied Numerical Methods using MATLAB (WSE)

تأليف : group of authors

النوعية : الفكر والثقافة العامة

Applied Numerical Methods using MATLAB (WSE) b y group of authors..The objective of this book is to make use of the powerful MATLAB software to avoid complex derivations and to teach the fundamental concepts using the software to solve practical problems.The authors use a more practical approach and link every method to real engineering and/or science problems.

The main idea is that engineers don't have to know the mathematical theory in order to apply the numerical methods for solving their real-life problems.About the AuthorWon Y.Yang PhD,is Professor of Electrical Engineering at Chung-Ang University,Korea.Wenwu Cao,PhD,is Professor of Mathematics and Materials Science at The Pennsylvania State University.Tae-Sang Chung PhD,is Professor of Electrical Engineering at Chung-Ang University,Korea.John Morris PhD,is Associate Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Auckland,New Zealand.

Applied Numerical Methods using MATLAB (WSE) b y group of authors..The objective of this book is to make use of the powerful MATLAB software to avoid complex derivations and to teach the fundamental concepts using the software to solve practical problems.The authors use a more practical approach and link every method to real engineering and/or science problems.

The main idea is that engineers don't have to know the mathematical theory in order to apply the numerical methods for solving their real-life problems.About the AuthorWon Y.Yang PhD,is Professor of Electrical Engineering at Chung-Ang University,Korea.Wenwu Cao,PhD,is Professor of Mathematics and Materials Science at The Pennsylvania State University.Tae-Sang Chung PhD,is Professor of Electrical Engineering at Chung-Ang University,Korea.John Morris PhD,is Associate Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Auckland,New Zealand.