English Literary Study 45 by أحمد علي سليمان عبد الرحيم .. (Arabic is your best way to the Paradise in the Day of Judgment! But English is your best way to the life on the Earth nowadays! Then, you should do all your best to speak, write, understand and treat with them easily and fluently! That is my attempt which helps you all in English. I designed it in a very easy style putting the questions and answers to make you as a student and a teacher at the same time! In a word, it is a kind of the personal self-learning! May Allah The Al-Mighty bless you all! With all my best hearty wishes!) As a matter of fact, (Pure English Series) in all English branches:- Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Grammar & Vocabulary, Vocabulary and Grammar was created in 2000 to help you all:- as teachers and students with your English! It was designed in a very short time by Mr. Ahmad Ali Solaiman Abdurraheem!
English Literary Study 45 by أحمد علي سليمان عبد الرحيم .. (Arabic is your best way to the Paradise in the Day of Judgment! But English is your best way to the life on the Earth nowadays! Then, you should do all your best to speak, write, understand and treat with them easily and fluently! That is my attempt which helps you all in English. I designed it in a very easy style putting the questions and answers to make you as a student and a teacher at the same time! In a word, it is a kind of the personal self-learning! May Allah The Al-Mighty bless you all! With all my best hearty wishes!) As a matter of fact, (Pure English Series) in all English branches:- Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Grammar & Vocabulary, Vocabulary and Grammar was created in 2000 to help you all:- as teachers and students with your English! It was designed in a very short time by Mr. Ahmad Ali Solaiman Abdurraheem!