How to Heal Oneself and Others

تأليف : Theron Q. Dumont

النوعية : التنمية البشرية وتطوير الذات

How to Heal Oneself and Others: Mental Therapeutics by Theron Q. Dumont In this book, Atkinson gives us an incredible lesson on how our body has the capacity to overcome any health issue there is. We just have to know how, and think in a

 certain way. The author separates himself for this book from any “religious” or “metaphysical” context, to provide a completely scientific approach. “In these lessons I shall give you the essence and substance of the best scientific knowledge regarding the prevention and cure of physical ills by the power of the mind.But in presenting the theory and practice of Mental Therapeutics to you I shall carefully avoid all reference to mysticism or occultism, or strange metaphysical and philosophical theories. Mental Therapeutics is a science, not a superstition; it is something based on sound scientific facts, and not upon vague imaginings.”From the power of thoughts to the power of suggestion and autosuggestion, the author takes us through a very important journey, the journey of HEALING.

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