The Letters of Virginia Woolf Volume Two, 1912-1922

The Letters of Virginia Woolf Volume Two, 1912-1922

تأليف : Virginia Woolf

النوعية : مذكرات وسير ذاتية

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The Letters of Virginia Woolf: Volume Two, 1912-1922 by Virginia Woolf..Over six hundred letters covering the first decade of the Woolfs' marriage; the publication of The Voyage Out, Night and Day, and Jacob's Room; the founding of Hogarth Press; the years of World War I; Virginia's two periods of insanity and an attempted suicide. Edited by Nigel Nicolson and Joanne Trautmann; Introduction by Nigel Nicolson; Index; photographs.

The Letters of Virginia Woolf: Volume Two, 1912-1922 by Virginia Woolf..Over six hundred letters covering the first decade of the Woolfs' marriage; the publication of The Voyage Out, Night and Day, and Jacob's Room; the founding of Hogarth Press; the years of World War I; Virginia's two periods of insanity and an attempted suicide. Edited by Nigel Nicolson and Joanne Trautmann; Introduction by Nigel Nicolson; Index; photographs.