كتب هاري ميلز

هاري ميلز

هاري ميلز

1 كتاب 235,612 قراءة

HARRY MILLS is founder and CEO of Aha! Advantage, an international consulting and training firm whose clients include Unilever, IBM, Toyota, Oracle, and Astra Zeneca. An in-demand speaker, he is the persuasion expert at Harvard Business Review’s Manage/Mentor program and author of Artful PersuasionThe Rainmaker’s Toolkit, and other notable books.

HARRY MILLS is founder and CEO of Aha! Advantage, an international consulting and training firm whose clients include Unilever, IBM, Toyota, Oracle, and Astra Zeneca. An in-demand speaker, he is the persuasion expert at Harvard Business Review’s Manage/Mentor program and author of Artful PersuasionThe Rainmaker’s Toolkit, and other notable books.