This sequel to Faulkner's most sensational novel, 'Sanctuary', was written twenty years later but takes up the story of Temple Drake eight years after the events related in 'Sanctuary'. Temple is now married to Gowan Stevens.
The book begins when the death sentence is pronounced on the nurse Nancy for the murder of Temple and Gowan's child. In an attempt to save her, Temple goes to see the judge to confess her own quilt. Told partly in prose, partly in play form, 'Requiem For A Nun' is a haunting exploration of the impact of the past on the present.
This sequel to Faulkner's most sensational novel, 'Sanctuary', was written twenty years later but takes up the story of Temple Drake eight years after the events related in 'Sanctuary'. Temple is now married to Gowan Stevens.
The book begins when the death sentence is pronounced on the nurse Nancy for the murder of Temple and Gowan's child. In an attempt to save her, Temple goes to see the judge to confess her own quilt. Told partly in prose, partly in play form, 'Requiem For A Nun' is a haunting exploration of the impact of the past on the present.