كتاب الطبيعة البشرية

كتاب الطبيعة البشرية

تأليف : ألفريد آدلر

النوعية : علم النفس

كتاب الطبيعة البشرية بقلم ألفريد آدلر .. Originally published in 1927 this book attempts to acquaint the general public with the fundamentals of Individual Psychology. At the same time it's a demonstration of the practical application of these principles to the conduct of everyday relationships & the organization of personal life. Based upon a year's lectures to audiences at the People's Institute in Vienna, the book pointd out how the mistaken behavior of individuals affects social & communal harmony; to teach individuals to recognize their mistakes; & finally, to show them how they may effect a harmonious adjustment to communal life. Adler felt that mistakes in business or in science were costly & deplorable, but mistakes in the conduct of life are often dangerous to life itself. This book is dedicated by the author in his preface to the task of illuminating progress toward a better understanding of human nature.  
كتاب الطبيعة البشرية بقلم ألفريد آدلر .. Originally published in 1927 this book attempts to acquaint the general public with the fundamentals of Individual Psychology. At the same time it's a demonstration of the practical application of these principles to the conduct of everyday relationships & the organization of personal life. Based upon a year's lectures to audiences at the People's Institute in Vienna, the book pointd out how the mistaken behavior of individuals affects social & communal harmony; to teach individuals to recognize their mistakes; & finally, to show them how they may effect a harmonious adjustment to communal life. Adler felt that mistakes in business or in science were costly & deplorable, but mistakes in the conduct of life are often dangerous to life itself. This book is dedicated by the author in his preface to the task of illuminating progress toward a better understanding of human nature.  
ألفريد ادلر (1870-1937م) ، هو طبيب عقلي نمساوي، مؤسس مدرسة علم النفس الفردي، اختلف مع فرويد وكارل يونغ بالتأكيد على أن القوة الدافعة في حياة الإنسان هي الشعور بالنقص والتي تبدأ حالما يبدأ الطفل بفهم وجود الناس الآخرين والذين عندهم قدرة أحسن منه للعناية بأنفسهم والتكيف مع بيئتهم.
