التصدى لادعاءات الغرب الظالمة على العرب والإسلام والمسلمين بطريقة علمية وموضوعية حيث يسوق مجموعة من الادعاءات والافتراءات وكذلك يأتى بالبراهين والإثباتات على عدم صحتها مثل ادعاء إضطهاد الإسلام للمرأة أو حرق المسلمين لمكتبة الأسكندرية القديمة

Sigrid Hunke was a German author. She received her PhD from the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin in 1941. She is known for her work in the field of religious studies. Sigrid Hunke joined the "Germanistischer Wissenschafteinsatz", the German Sciences Service of the SS, the organization establ...
Sigrid Hunke was a German author. She received her PhD from the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin in 1941. She is known for her work in the field of religious studies. Sigrid Hunke joined the "Germanistischer Wissenschafteinsatz", the German Sciences Service of the SS, the organization established by Heinrich Himmler to oversee the Germanization of Northern Europe. Her job was to research racial psychology. Hunke was also known for her claims of Muslim influence over Western values. Her tutor, Ferdinand Clauss is associated with the ideology of the German Right.