كتاب صحيح مسلم تأليف مسلم بن الحجاج .. صحيح مسلم هو أحد أهم كتب الحديث عند المسلمين، جمعه أبو الحسين مسلم بن الحجاج القشيري النيسابوري. أخذ في تأليفه (جمعه وتصنيفه) خمس عشرة سنة. جمع فيه مؤلفه 3033 حديثًا بغير المكرر، واشترط فيها الصحة

Imaam Abul-Husain Muslim ibn-ul-Hajjaaj al-Qushairee an-Naisaabooree One of the chief authorities on the Hadeeth. Muslim traveled widely; his great work, Al-Musnad-us-Saheeh, is said to have been compiled from about 300,000 hadeeths, which he collected in Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. The Sahee...
Imaam Abul-Husain Muslim ibn-ul-Hajjaaj al-Qushairee an-Naisaabooree One of the chief authorities on the Hadeeth. Muslim traveled widely; his great work, Al-Musnad-us-Saheeh, is said to have been compiled from about 300,000 hadeeths, which he collected in Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. The Saheeh has been unanimously acclaimed as authoritative and is one of the two canonical compilations of Hadeeth, along with the book of his teacher, Imaam al-Bukhaaree.


