Hello, it's a Muslim Calling

Hello, it's a Muslim Calling

تأليف : group of authors

النوعية : الفكر والثقافة العامة

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How different are Muslims from the rest of the world? Are they THAT different? Do they really have negative feelings towards the west? Does phobia really exist between Westerns and Muslims? Can Muslims converse?

This book you hold in your hand is a candid discussion of the status quo of the West and Muslims.

It is not written by political experts.
It is written by middle class Egyptians, who care about the world.

In this book you shall read about the history of Egypt and the current political dilemma of the Middle East, a young veiled girl’s testimonial and a theatrical dramatization of the current conditions in the form of a play.

This book is a collection of well-constructed thoughts of Egyptian Muslims seeking dialogue with the world, and hoping to put in the spotlight the true image of a young budding Middle East.