Madinah Arabic Reader Book 6 by V. Abdur Rahim Description from the publisher : Professor Abdur Rahim, Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of
Madinah, Saudi Arabia, has authored texts designed to impart a knowledge of classical Arabic through applied grammar. Each lesson, based on a conversation, illustrates distinctive language patterns. These patterns are elucidated by a variety of helpful exercises. The vocabulary ranges from classical and Quranic Arabic to modern Arabic. This series of books is currently being utilized at various schools to prepare students for the University of London (UK) GCE O-Level and A-Level examinations
هذ الكتاب غير متوفر حاليًا
حفاظًا على حقوق المؤلف ودار النشر، لا يمكننا توفير هذا الكتاب حاليًا. ولكن، لو تريد المساهمة معنا لتوفيره في المستقبل، نتمنى منك المشاركة برأيك في هذا الإستفتاء.
لن يستغرق الأمر منك سوى 5 دقائق ⏱️😊!
شكرًا لتفهمكم ودعمكم المستمر! 🙏💖