Sir Tony Robinson's Weird World of Wonders

تأليف : Tony Robinson

النوعية : روايات

Sir Tony Robinson's Weird World of Wonders: Romans and Greeks by Tony Robinson Tony Robinson takes you on a headlong gallop through time, pointing out all the most important, funny, strange, amazing, entertaining, smelly, and disgusting bits about

 the Romans and the Greeks! It's history, but not as we know it! Find out everything you ever needed to know in this awesome, action-packed, fact-filled book, including why the ancient Greeks were mad about olive oil; who Pythagoras was; why Alexander the Great named a city after his horse, Bucephalus; and how the Greeks invented the first computer, vending machine, and death-ray. Learn  how to keep the gods happy, why you should never ignore an omen, how to defeat an army who are riding elephants, and how to spot a barbarian—and much, much more!

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