The Third Expedition [April 2000/2031]

تأليف : Ray Bradbury

النوعية : الفكر والثقافة العامة

The Third Expedition [April 2000/2031] by Ray Bradbury First published as "Mars is Heaven!" in Planet Stories, fall 1948.The arrival and demise of the third group of Americans to land on Mars is described by this story. This time the Martians are

 prepared for the Earthlings. When the crew arrives, they see an idyllic small town of the 1920s occupied by the long-lost loved ones of the astronauts.The original short story was set in the 1960s and dealt with characters nostalgic for their childhoods in the Midwestern United States in the 1920s. In the Chronicles version, which takes place forty years later but which still relies on 1920s nostalgia, the story contains a brief paragraph about medical treatments that slow the aging process, so that the characters can be traveling to Mars in the 2000s but still remember the 1920s.

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