
تأليف : Joseph Conrad

النوعية : مجموعة قصص

Chance by Joseph Conrad..Chance tells the story of Flora de Barral, the vulnerable abandoned daughter of a bankrupt tycoon, who struggles to achieve dignity and happiness; 'no consideration, no delicacy, no tenderness, no scruples should stand in the way of a woman ... from taking the shortest cut towards securing for herself the easiest possible existence.’ It is narrated by different narrators, including Conrad's regular narrator, Charles Marlow, who describe and attempt to interpret various episodes in Flora’s life and is the only book to focus on a female character.

I cannot say that any particular moral complexion has been put on this novel but I do not think that any body had detected in it an evil intention. And it is only for their intentions that men can be held respon sible. The ultimate effects of whatever they do are far beyond their control. In doing this book my in tention was to interest people in my Vision of things which is indissolubly allied to the style in which it is expressed. In other words I wanted to write a cer tain amount of pages in prose, which, strictly speaking, is my proper business. I have attended to it conscien tiously with the hope of being entertaining or at least not insufferably boring to my readers. I can not suf ficiently insist upon the truth that when I sit down to write my intentions are always blameless however de plorable the ultimate effect of the act may turn out to be.


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