Flappers and the New American Woman

Flappers and the New American Woman

تأليف : Catherine Gourley

النوعية : الفكر والثقافة العامة

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Flappers and the New American Woman: Perceptions of Women from 1918 through the 1920s by Catherine Gourley..Who was the flapper, and who was the New American Woman? They weren't specific individuals, but rather symbols that defined women in the early decades of the twentieth century. After the country had celebrated the end of World War I in 1918, the Flapper shocked society by flagrantly defying the traditional passive and gentile image of femininity. She danced the Charleston,

doing so with bared knees, bobbed hair, and without a corset. The New American Woman also danced, though to a more sedate tune. She represented Mrs. Consumer, more aware of her decision-making ability and her purchasing power than her mother had ever been. And she was, for the first time ever, a fully enfranchised citizen who cast her vote in the polling booth. As the girls and women of the postwar decade asked themselves, "Who am I? Who do I want to become?" the media of the times tried to influence their paths. Magazine advertisements showed them how to dress and how to look younger to please their husbands; books advised them on proper etiquette and how to be truly beautiful; and movies offered entree to exotic new worlds. Many, however, looked beyond the stereotypes, using their new-found power and abilities to open health clinics, fight for women's equal rights, and protest Jim Crow laws.

Flappers and the New American Woman: Perceptions of Women from 1918 through the 1920s by Catherine Gourley..Who was the flapper, and who was the New American Woman? They weren't specific individuals, but rather symbols that defined women in the early decades of the twentieth century. After the country had celebrated the end of World War I in 1918, the Flapper shocked society by flagrantly defying the traditional passive and gentile image of femininity. She danced the Charleston,

doing so with bared knees, bobbed hair, and without a corset. The New American Woman also danced, though to a more sedate tune. She represented Mrs. Consumer, more aware of her decision-making ability and her purchasing power than her mother had ever been. And she was, for the first time ever, a fully enfranchised citizen who cast her vote in the polling booth. As the girls and women of the postwar decade asked themselves, "Who am I? Who do I want to become?" the media of the times tried to influence their paths. Magazine advertisements showed them how to dress and how to look younger to please their husbands; books advised them on proper etiquette and how to be truly beautiful; and movies offered entree to exotic new worlds. Many, however, looked beyond the stereotypes, using their new-found power and abilities to open health clinics, fight for women's equal rights, and protest Jim Crow laws.

As a nonfiction author speciailizing in social history, Cathy spends a great deal of time researching the past. Her research has taken her into the belly of a whaleship on an icy January morning in Mystic, Connecticut, deep into a coal mine in Northeastern Pennsylvania, to tenement buildings on New ...
As a nonfiction author speciailizing in social history, Cathy spends a great deal of time researching the past. Her research has taken her into the belly of a whaleship on an icy January morning in Mystic, Connecticut, deep into a coal mine in Northeastern Pennsylvania, to tenement buildings on New York City's Lower East Side, and even into the Secret Annexe in Amsterdam where Anne Frank and her family hid from the Nazis during World War II. But she also researches the archives of old newspapers and digs for insights to people's past lives by reading their diaries and letters.