pharmacoeconomics, biostatistics, health care systems, etc.); and the clinical sciences (basic therapeutics, communication skills, etc.). These topics are all included in the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination. Graduates of foreign pharmacy schools must pass this examination before proceeding to the NAPLEX(R) and licensure in the United States.
The Apha Complete Review for the Fpgee تأليف Catherine Gourley
The Apha Complete Review for the Fpgee by Catherine Gourley..The APhA Complete Review for the FPGEE(R) provides a comprehensive review of basic pharmaceutical principles (dosage forms, math, bio-pharmaceutics, kinetics, basic and parenteral compounding, among others); the basic medical sciences (chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, microbiology, and immunology); social and administrative sciences (practice management,