Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 2

تأليف : V. Abdur Rahim

النوعية : تعلم اللغة العربية

Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 2 by V. Abdur Rahim Duruus al-Lughati l-”Arabiyyati li-Ghayri l-Naatiqiina bi-haa: Our Shaykh’s world renowned Arabic course for non-natives of Arabic was originally devised and continues to be taught at the world

 renowned Islaamic University, Madinah. The course is successfully taught in schools, colleges and universities throughout the world.Using the interactive teaching methods of Madinah Islaamic University, classical and modern Arabic is taught in methodical steps using topical dialogues, daily examples and ample examples from the Qur’aan, aHaadiith and Arabic poetry. Knowledge is cemented through a world of creative exercises.

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