rebellious spirit

تأليف : Chetila Ghofrane

النوعية : مذكرات وسير ذاتية

الناشر : كتوباتي

rebellious spirit by: Chetila Ghofrane... I'm a lovely girl ..I'm strong  one its fantastic everything is amazing .....that what I really thought.....and I found out the truth .....I'm rebellious ...hey discover who really iam .this story is about my life I hope you will like it life is not fair and doesn't give everything but let's try to give to our souls a new positive energy even if we are not good or fine nothing will stay every bad thoughts will gone ....

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Amazing work done by the creator❤️


🥺🥺💗I got it guys


I'm about to read this
I'm rating This a 5 cause she's definitely a Very great writer
I always want to read her books cause it's always outstanding.


amazing book✨