Tantric Transformation


الفكر والثقافة العامة

Tantric Transformation: Discourses On The Royal Song Of Saraha by Osho..Tantric Transformation gracefully explores Tantra, defining it as a "map of inner consciousness". In these exciting and ground-breaking discourses, Osho explains Tantric goals: the experience of cosmic expansion and divine wisdom. He describes the Tantra map of inner consciousness, including the "Four Seals" or locks that open as we move higher in meditation.

 Speaking with Tantric Transformation gracefully explores Tantra, defining it as a "map of inner consciousness". In these exciting and ground-breaking discourses, Osho explains Tantric goals: the experience of cosmic expansion and divine wisdom. He describes the Tantra map of inner consciousness, including the "Four Seals" or locks that open as we move higher in meditation. Speaking with profound wisdom and compassion, Osho demonstrates his genuine understanding of the fabric of our lives on earth, acknowledging both the glorious excess of our Western ways, as well as the doubt, despair, and guilt that are the legacy of our dualism.Through light, but thought-provoking anecdotes and lectures, Osho encourages each of us to turn inwards, develop as individuals, and discover the transformative Tantric language of love.

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