Where's Opie?

تأليف : Donald Ross

النوعية : الفكر والثقافة العامة

Where's Opie? : Life Goes On by Donald Ross..Five years of hope and frustration, beginning in November of 2006, filled the pages of Where’s Opie? Vanished in Chicago, story of our family and our missing son Jesse ‘Opie’ Ross. Where’s Opie? Life goes on beginning in January 2012, takes you on a year long journey inside our lives, day by day; A chance to feel what we felt; do what we did. An opportunity to sense the reality of a missing loved one,

without the terrible sacrifice our family has had to endure in order to make this journey. A journal, a book of verse, a soul searching chronicle of finding value in an incomplete life. Meet those who have made our lives fuller, and those who have made our lives frustrating and tragic. Make your own judgments as to what is right and what is wrong.

My name is Donald Ross, Jesse’s father. I make no apologies for the contents of this book. It is life as my family has lived it, uncensored and uncut. My hope is that it will reach someone with a heart and motivate them to help us write the last great chapter, when Jesse is united with his family once more.

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