Sanders of Africa

تأليف : Edgar Wallace

النوعية : روايات

Sanders of Africa: 12 Novels. Sanders of the River, The People of the River, The River of Stars, Bosambo of the River, Bones, The Keepers of the King's ... by Edgar Wallace This volume contain the complete collection of 12 novels of the "AFRICAN

 SERIES", the stories of SANDERS, by acclaimed British author EDGAR WALLACE, creator of other great characters as J.G.Reeder and Four Just Men.The novels included in this volume are:Sanders of the River (1911)The People of the River (1911)The River of Stars (1913)Bosambo of the River (1914)Bones (1915)The Keepers of the King's Peace (1917)Lieutenant Bones (1918)Bones in London (1921)Sandi the Kingmaker (1922)Bones of the River (1923)Sanders (1926)Again Sanders (1928)

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