كتاب سيكولوجية العنف

كتاب سيكولوجية العنف

تأليف : كولن ولسون

النوعية : علم النفس

حفظ تقييم
كتاب سيكولوجية العنف بقلم كولن ولسون..Originally published in 1984, revised in 2005: Colin Wilson tells the story of human violence from Peking Man to the Mafia--taking into account the calculated sadism of the Assyrians, the opportunism of the Greek pirates, the brutality that made Rome the "razor king of the Mediterranean", the mindless destruction of the Vandals, the mass slaughter of Genghis Khan, Tamurlane, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler & more.

Each age has a unique characteristic pattern of crime. In the past three centuries crime has changed & evolved until the sex killer & the mass murderer have become symbols of all that is worst about our civilization. But this is not just a study in human depravity; it is an attempt to place crime in perspective against human discovery, exploration & invention. The result is a completely new approach to the history & psychology of human violence. 



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