كتاب يا فدى ناظريك !

كتاب يا فدى ناظريك !

تأليف : غازي عبد الرحمن القصيبي

النوعية : الشعر

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كتاب يا فدى ناظريك ! للمؤلف غازي عبد الرحمن القصيبي.... دموع تنهمر، وقلوب تنفطر، ومشاعر متباينة تستعر... فالقصيبي يرسل أحاسيسه كلمات تنتظم وقعاً متناغماً، خزين النبرات، وكأن شعره يبكي طفلاً لم تمهل براءته، طهارته، وقبل كل شيء طفولته، رصاصات غدر اخترقت صدر الإنسانية في صدره.

Ghazi Abdul Rahman Algosaibi (Arabic: غازي بن عبدالرحمن القصيبي) was a Saudi Arabian liberal politician, technocrat, novelist, and Minister of Labor. He was a well-known intellectual and a member the Al Gosaibi family . Algosaibi attended the University of Cairo and received his Law degree in 1961....
Ghazi Abdul Rahman Algosaibi (Arabic: غازي بن عبدالرحمن القصيبي) was a Saudi Arabian liberal politician, technocrat, novelist, and Minister of Labor. He was a well-known intellectual and a member the Al Gosaibi family . Algosaibi attended the University of Cairo and received his Law degree in 1961. Dr Algosaibi moved to the United States where he completed his MA in international relations from the University of Southern California in 1964 and obtained his PhD in Law from the University College London in 1970.